I wanted my first post to serve as an introduction to the Mrs. B. Organized process.  See the About page for my background and crazy lifestyle, and how I got here.  Then, with this process as a base line, I will share posts about specific projects and ideas.

PLAN. If an area of your life is causing stress, take a step back and really think about how to reduce or eliminate it. Finances. Schedules. A messy house or room. A big decision or change. An upcoming trip. That junk drawer in your kitchen (I didn’t say it has to be a big stress). And come up with a plan. Personally, I make lists. A lot of lists. What am I trying to accomplish? What steps do I need to take? When do I have the time to start this project? Where is this on my priority list? How much am I willing to spend on this idea? What else is on my to-do list?

BABY STEPS. It can be daunting to take on a whole room or project.  But start with baby steps if its too much. After I come up with a plan, I start with a drawer, a box, a shelf, the last month of emails, an idea, setting a schedule for one specific task, etc. If I have the time and/or energy, I keep going. Recent example— the drawers in my kitchen made me want to pull my hair out because I could never find anything. I decided I needed to reorganize the whole kitchen… however, I was only going to be home (in Georgia) for a few weeks and I had a million things to get done (full disclosure- technically, as of now this project is still on my to-do list). So I did one drawer at a time.  Thirty minutes max. I took everything out, cleaned the drawer, sorted the utensils into categories, set items aside for giveaway or throw away, and put everything back in the drawer in an organized manner.  I did four drawers total, but I did it over a week.  Even though I did not complete the whole kitchen, I felt a million times better about what I did accomplish.

TRY SOMETHING NEW. Its also important to be willing to experiment with new ways to get organized. Maybe the idea of washing the sheets and towels every Sunday makes you think, “I will never stick to that.” But what if you try it and it works, even if its only for a few weeks? What if you’ve never been the type to write things down in a planner or a notebook, but you discover writing down a meal plan or food journal helps you stick to healthier eating habits? I could give a million examples, but if there is a part of your life that is unorganized, chaotic, or causing stress, finding a way to create a more positive “space” in your life might mean trying something out of your comfort zone or current routine.

BUYING PRODUCTS. Now comes another part of organization that I have learned the hard way, and it has to do with all of the “things” you have to buy to assist in organization.  I used to look at a project, then immediately go to the Container Store or order what I thought I needed on Amazon before I did any kind of clean-out or planning.  I wasted a lot of time and money doing this step first. Now, I take an inventory of what I have AFTER I clean something out or figure out my ultimate goal after making a plan, and then decide what I need to help stay organized.  Live with it for little while, research your options, or take time to search for the products you actually need. And if you really can't wait once you’ve started the project, its wonderful that Amazon Prime takes two days.

BE ORGANIZED. Being organized saves time and stress. But it does take planning and commitment. Like everyone else, I feel like my to-do list is never-ending and the time to cross things of that list seems non-existent. Don’t be fooled… my house never looks like something out of a magazine, my car is rarely clean, I suffer from mom brain daily, and most days I am counting down the minutes until a glass of wine, but I make a conscious effort to institute some practical ways to be organized and stay organized.

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”-Benjamin Franklin. I love this quote and try to remember how accurate it is in my everyday life. Planning and being organized can save so much time and stress. And spending even just a few minutes and dedicating a little effort can achieve more than you think. Hey, you have to start somewhere.

Next up, some project ideas!

—- Mrs. B.
